China just SHOCKED the world with this DISCOVERY Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris 14:04
Nikki Haleys’s NH Voters Were Almost All Democrats- 07:19
Tucker Carlson Something big is about to happen-- in Exclusive Broadcast - immigrants 18:19
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs Can Israel Survive Its Failures 27:16
Weve Been Lied To All Along - 9/11 59:10

Weve Been Lied To All Along - 9/11

by Blisk
Retired General EXPOSES Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme - Biden is senile 30:41
Tucker Carlson just EXPOSED something incredibly terrifying inside the U.S. -Censored - manipulated 23:44
Col. Macgregor Ukraine is CRUMBLING Under Putins Military Offensive 20:15
Connor-Freeman-US-To-Seize-Russian-Assets 28:30
Scott Ritter Statement on tuckercarlson s interview w putin 06:12