This Will Blow Your Mind- MK ULTRA sex trafficking survival 25:43
Bare Minimum To Being Human 10:10

Bare Minimum To Being Human

by Blisk
Scott Ritter Reacts to Lindsey Grahams dangerous rhetoric 01:11
U.S. Economic Wars Are Actually Screwing Americans-- wAnya Parampil 35:39
He Opposed Big Pharma - Told Truth About Ukraine - Then This Happened- 07:41
Egypt Finally Breaks With Isr-el- 14:13

Egypt Finally Breaks With Isr-el-

by Blisk
Matt Hoh How Weak Is NATO 29:07

Matt Hoh How Weak Is NATO

by Blisk
Aaron Maté What Freedom of Speech 30:56

Aaron Maté What Freedom of Speech

by Blisk
New Polls Show Biden Losing BIG Admits CNN- 08:59
LtCol. Tony Shaffer Can NATO Handle Defeat 29:00
Phil Giraldi How Washington Protects Israel 29:07
John Mearsheimer What’s Behind Biden’s Blank Check Support for Israel Endgame 179 -Luminaries- 01:24:43
Scott Ritter Israel is losing 16:54

Scott Ritter Israel is losing

by Blisk
Pro-Ukrainian Liberal tries to ASSASSINATE Slovakias anti-war Prime Minister Redacted News 12:33
Scott Ritter How Isolated Is Israel 28:50

Scott Ritter How Isolated Is Israel

by Blisk
Larry Johnson NATOs Next Moves against Russia 36:21
Midazolam deaths - more deaths than covid 15:36