Col. Douglas Macgregor Does the US Have a Coherent Foreign Policy 31:03
Excess deaths and data deficit - corona vaccines - pfizer 20:49
Oh SHT- this is why AIR PLANES are falling apart in mid-air Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris 15:46
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer Is Ukraine Finished 24:44
EU vodstvo zloupotrebom socijalnih fondova sponzorira krijumčarenje milijuna ljudi u Europu 00:59
Tucker Carlson Something big is about to happen-- in Exclusive Broadcast - immigrants 18:19
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer Ukraine On Life Support 29:10
Larry Johnson Putin Interview and Big Media 25:36
White clots common 49:19

White clots common

by Blisk
Col. Macgregor Ukraine is CRUMBLING Under Putins Military Offensive 20:15
Here’s How Big Pharma CORRUPTED Medical Journals- w Dr. Robert Malone 12:08