Douglas Macgregor Russia-s Mighty Advance.mp4 11:42
Putin warns STOP this now as NATO crosses red line in Ukraine Redacted with Clayton Morris.mp4 01:13:59
U.S. Gov ADMITS Covid Originated In Wuhan Lab—Media Liars Exposed-.mp4 14:16
Douglas Macgregor A Destructive onslaught.mp4 10:00
Rising INTERVIEWS SEYMOUR HERSH Journalist DEFENDS Reporting on US DESTRUCTION of Nord Stream.mp4 28:48
Russia RESPONDS To Chinese Peace Proposal.mp4 07:53
In Ukraine the Fighting Remains Intense.mp4 23:07
Tucker This is an outrage.mp4 20:50

Tucker This is an outrage.mp4

by Blisk
They DEFEATED US Imperialism.mp4 16:32

They DEFEATED US Imperialism.mp4

by Blisk
China calls for end of World War III after massive DEW attac.mp4 00:45
Sweden-s a DISGRACE - hiding evidences of blowing up pipelines 11:18
Is The U.S. REALLY Pulling Out Of SYRIA.mp4 26:02