BREAKING- Biden pushing U.S. to War with Lebanon and Iran Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris 07:23
Anonymous - SOMETHING BIG WILL HAPPEN IN FEBRUARY -Chilling Warning-- GOV against Trump 13:40
Theyre planning a military COUP against Trump- and theyre admitting it - Ukraine not wining 01:47:30
CNN Host Won’t Let Vivek Answer HER OWN QUESTION About Jan 6- 15:27
Edward Snowden CRIES everyone NEEDS to pay attention to this 11:56
War with Iran would be INSANE and the U.S. would lose BIG TIME Redacted with Clayton Morris 15:11
Matt Hoh Is Israel Losing Both Wars 30:20

Matt Hoh Is Israel Losing Both Wars

by Blisk
Israel’s MOST Brazen Lies About Hamas- 11:06
Mike Benz Behind the Curtains of Cultural Diplomacy 02:12
Tony Shaffer Putin vs Biden on Leadership 29:13