Izvan Sjenke - OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL - Hollywood brainwashing machine 01:17:58
How To Access the DARK WEB in 2023 -3 Levels- 15:19
WEF a new normal - control the world - the great reset 13:58
DAVID ICKE - Aliens are HERE- Exposing the illuminati Government 40:40
UFO SHOCK CIA Collected NINE UFO CRAFT Per Report- UAP Bills Come To A Head On Capitol Hill Rising 08:41
New syndrome - corona 18:40

New syndrome - corona

by Blisk
I hope this video wont be deleted - 5G microwaves destroying lives 09:03
Heart deaths - excess deaths - vaccines 21:46
Fauci’s Replacement EVEN WORSE- 28:43

Fauci’s Replacement EVEN WORSE-

by Blisk
Theyve been PLANNING this cyber attack for years Whitney Webb exposes deep state plan Redacted 21:23
OH SHT- Pfizer is heading for bankruptcy- Redacted with Clayton Morris 18:00
HOLY SHT- FDA Approves NEW Novavax Covid Vaccine WITHOUT Clinical Trials- Redacted News 13:05
This Is The WEF’s REAL Plan- 04:14

This Is The WEF’s REAL Plan-

by Blisk
No protection against death - corona vaccines 15:56