Scott Ritter LIVE from Moscow- Russians on Putin - Sanctions are good for Russia - economy boost 30:18
The CIA is not gonna like this video - brainwashing and destroying people 12:18
Ray McGovern What Can Stop the Siege of Gaza 27:04
What Theyre NOT Telling You About Epstein 11:19
Tony Shaffer Putin vs Biden on Leadership 29:13
Edward Snowden CRIES everyone NEEDS to pay attention to this 11:56
Max Blumenthal Max takes on the Israeli Press 25:28
Bill Gates- Big Pharma and the Global War 12:05
Former FBI agent exposes the TRUTH of FBIS corruption and illegal spying on Americans Redacted(1) 58:33
The U.S. is about to LOSE its Super Power status Col. Douglas MacGregor Redacted(1) 43:51
War with Iran would be INSANE and the U.S. would lose BIG TIME Redacted with Clayton Morris 15:11
We are NOT right-wing extremists- German farmers fight back- demand government action Redacted 15:05