Scott Ritter All Lost-- DESPERATION GRIPS Ukraine After Russians Launch New Assault 01:06:57
Obama - Al Gore -John Kerry Are COLOSSAL Climate Hypocrites- 15:47
Israel will lose to South Africa says international law expert LBC 14:02
Israel’s MOST Brazen Lies About Hamas- 11:06
BREAKING- Biden pushing U.S. to War with Lebanon and Iran Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris 07:23
Anonymous - SOMETHING BIG WILL HAPPEN IN FEBRUARY -Chilling Warning-- GOV against Trump 13:40
Theyre planning a military COUP against Trump- and theyre admitting it - Ukraine not wining 01:47:30
Tucker DESTROYS Justin Trudeau after Prime Minister caught abusing Canadians rights Redacted News 15:58
Global cancer concerns - excess death 10:35

Global cancer concerns - excess death

by Blisk
This is how Independent journalists are FIGHTING back against the empire 18:55
Edward Snowden CRIES everyone NEEDS to pay attention to this 11:56
The U.S. is about to LOSE its Super Power status Col. Douglas MacGregor Redacted(1) 43:51