Tucker Carlson Just Revealed What The Government is Trying to Hide.. in Exclusive Interview 13:27
African-Country-EXPELS-US-Military 19:57


by Blisk
Alastair Crooke Israel US Fatal Mistakes 29:54
Larry Johnson Ukraine Partisans Attack Russia 31:18
Col. Karen Kwiatkowski Proxy Wars Produce Enemies of the State 27:20
Connor-Freeman-Americas-Failed-Proxy-War 27:31
Here Comes WW3-Israel going down 24:50

Here Comes WW3-Israel going down

by Blisk
Anya Parampil Is Zionism Falling 25:59

Anya Parampil Is Zionism Falling

by Blisk
VIPS Alert Memo to Pres. Joe Biden Nuclear Conflict Warning 05:31